2021. Financial Bailouts and the decline of establishment politics. Electoral Studies, (forthcoming)
2020. The Costs of Responsibility for the Political Establishment of the Eurozone (1999-2015). (with Sonia Alonso) Party Politics, 26(3) 317-333.
2020. The effect of alternation in power on electoral intimidation in democratizing regimes. (with Sarah Birch) Journal of Peace Research, 57(1) 126-139.
2018. Tying Incumbents’ Hands: The Effects of Election Monitoring on Electoral Outcomes. (with Nasos Roussias) Electoral Studies, 54 (August) 116-127.
Winner of the Lawerence Longley Award to Best Article 2018. APSA Representation and Electoral Systems section.
2018. When do electoral institutions trigger electoral misconduct? Democratization 25 (2):331-50.
2017. Democracy without Choice: Citizens’ perceptions of government’s autonomy during the Euro-zone crisis. (with Sonia Alonso) European Journal of Political Research, 56 (2) 230-245.
2013. Satisfaction with Democracy in Multi-ethnic Countries - The Effect of Representative Political Institutions on Ethnic Minorities. Political Studies, 61 (1) 101-118.
2011. Characterizing electoral systems. An empirical application of aggregated threshold functions. West European Politics, 34(2) 256-281.
2008. The parliamentary election in Armenia, May 2007. Electoral Studies, 27 (2) 369-372.
2007. Exploring political representation and ethnic conflict in new democracies. (with Sonia Alonso) European Journal of Political Research, 46(2) 237-267.
2007. Aggregated threshold functions or how to measure the performance of an electoral system. Electoral Studies, 26 (2) 492-502.
2005. La caracterización de los sistemas electorales. Una aplicación de las funciones de agregación de umbrales en las nuevas democracias de Europa y América Latina. Revista Española de Ciencia Política, 13. 89-118.
2015. Handbook of Comparative Political Institutions. (co-edited with Jennifer Gandhi) London: Routledge.
2018. Democracy without Choice: Citizens’ perceptions of government’s autonomy during the Euro-zone crisis (with Sonia Alonso) in Democracy and Crisis: Challenges in Turbulent Times. Wolfgang Merkel and Sascha Kneip (eds.) Cham: Springer.
2015. Ethnicity and Elections in Handbook of Comparative Political Institutions. Jennifer Gandhi and Rubén Ruiz-Rufino (eds.) London: Routledge.
2015. Introduction in Handbook of Comparative Political Institutions. Jennifer Gandhi and Rubén Ruiz- Rufino (eds.) London: Routledge.
2012. Las reglas electorales y sus efectos in Las Elecciones Europeas 2009. Joan Font and Mariano Torcal (eds.). Madrid: CIS.
2003. Representación parlamentaria y conflicto étnico (with Sonia Alonso) in Minorías nacionales y conflicto étnico. Carmen González (ed): Madrid. UNED-Instituto Gutiérrez Mellado.